Discover Your Own Financial Freedom Plan

A financial freedom plan is the blueprint of your ideal life

A financial freedom plan is an essential building block in becoming financially free.  It's creating your personal blueprint for a life of abundance and if you do it the right way, it's fun too...

It’s what most people call goal setting.  I have a slightly different take on how and why goals work though.

My idea of goal setting is a more free-flowing experience.  I prefer to think of them as intentions or visions… or in this case, a financial freedom plan.  Doesn’t that sound SO much more tantalizing?

When you're creating your financial freedom plan, it's essential to focus on what you will use the money for, not just on the money itself.  You see really you want what the money can DO, not just cash in the bank. 

Below is an exercise that will allow you to start building the life you really want... your dream life. It's important to be honest with yourself, otherwise you will just end up creating a life that looks good on paper, but doesn't light up your soul.

True Financial Freedom

Law of Attraction Books

Set Inspiring Goals

First you're going to write a list of everything you think you want in your life.  Notice I said 'think you want'.  There is a clue.  Often we have become so hypnotised by what others want for us and for themselves, and what society deems the 'right' job, house or lifestyle that we think we really want that too...

But falling into this trap will only lead to being miserable, unfulfilled and uninspired.

So before you get started here, it's best if you've already defined your vision of true financial freedom. If you haven't, do that first because it makes the exercise on this page flow a lot better when you know what you want your end result to be.

OK, ready?  Then let's get started...

Choose a time when you will have at least an hour (preferably two or three hours if possible) to yourself where you won’t be disturbed.  Start to think about what it is you would love to be do and have and start writing...

Write everything down, don’t censor yourself.  When you first start you will probably be coming up with things that you think you want like cars, houses, cruises or whatever, but just keep going and eventually you will have to start really enquiring within yourself – what else? 

We've given up on so many of our dreams that sometimes they can be hard to uncover, so just keep going.

Create Your Financial Freedom Plan

Write down everything you can think of that you would like to achieve or have in your life

Don't limit yourself, include large items as well as smaller ones,  health and lifestyle goals too. Write until you cannot think of one more thing... and remember to have fun with it!

Split your list into categories of Material Items, Lifestyle, Personal Attributes

Choose 3 things from each category and write next to them the essence of what they offer you (fun, peace, security etc...)

Write or print out your completed financial freedom plan and feel free to change it as you get more clarity.  Keep your eyes open for opportunities to put your plan in action.

Keep your plan up to date as you achieve goals replace them with others

Create Your Own Financial Freedom Plan

Write down everything you can think of that you would like to achieve or have in your life

Don't limit yourself, include large items as well as smaller ones, health and lifestyle goals too. Just write until you cannot think of one more thing... and remember to have fun with it!

Split your list into categories of Material Items, Lifestyle, Personal Attributes

Choose 3 things from each category and write next to them the essence of what they offer you (fun, peace, security etc...)

Write or print out your completed financial freedom plan and feel free to change it as you get more clarity.  Keep your eyes open for opportunities to put your plan in action.

Keep your plan up to date as you achieve goals replace them with others

Write down small things like a new set of saucepans if that is present for you, or having two hours to work in your garden every week if that is something you would love.  I can’t stress enough that you mustn’t limit yourself and nothing is insignificant, even if it feels like nonsense, just write it down anyway…

Just keep writing everything that comes into your head until you can't think of one more thing.

Once you have this list, which, by the way, will grow and change as you do, the next thing is to get some sense of what essence they represent.

Grouping Your Financial Freedom Plan Into Categories

To find this out start by loosely grouping them into categories.  For example: 

  • Material items – cars, clothing, houses, cameras, the latest iphone
  • Lifestyle – being a stay at home mum, starting your own business, finding a new job, cutting down on working hours
  • Personal attributes – losing weight, health, having more confidence, getting fit, starting a meditation practice

Don’t be too pedantic about this, I just want you to get a feel for what kinds of things you feel you really want.

Keep It Simple!

Start building your financial freedom plan by choosing a maximum of 3 things from each list that you feel most connected to at the moment.

Don't set too many goals to be achieved all at the same time, you have to prioritize otherwise you will just end up feeling overwhelmed.  

These should represent things that you really want now– not what you think you can manifest.  Remember, you can create anything in your life… so let go of ‘reality’ and operate from your higher self, the abundant, spacious part of you.

Keep your main list though, as once you start to tick things off you will go back to it and decide what it is you want to focus on next.

At the moment you may find it easier to pick out the smaller goals because your mind will start to say 'you can't achieve that!' about some of the more outrageous, long-term goals you have. 

Acknowledge those thoughts, but don't buy into them.  It's natural to feel this way, especially if this is new to you.

Find The Essence Of Your Goals

Now look at this shorter list of goals and write down what each one is actually offering you.  What is the essence of it?

You may think, for example - what could new saucepans possibly mean other than new saucepans?  Well, enquire within!  What feeling would it inspire within you to have a set of shiny new saucepans in your cupboard? 

Maybe it would make you feel more prosperous, or perhaps make cooking more fun, or maybe you can cook healthier meals - and how does that make you feel?  As you uncover this layer by layer you will realize exactly what it is about these new saucepans that makes having them important to you.

I'm suggesting you do this because once you're connected with the essence of what that goal is going to bring you (feelings of fun, peace of mind or prosperity etc), you may find other ways of achieving that feeling as well.  

You may also realize that you don't need to buy the expensive set that you had your eye on, that a different set will give you the same feeling, and leave some change in your bank account!

Or maybe your goal of earning more money seems to be about getting out of debt or taking your family on a holiday overseas, but when you uncover the essence of it, you realize it's actually about having freedom of choice.  So the essence of your goal is freedom. 

Once you are clear on that, it opens up other possibilities to feel freedom in your life – because now you know what it is you actually want.

Take Your Time

This is important!  Don't expect to have this all neatly completed in one sitting.  As  you get clearer on what is important to you, some goals may fall by the wayside and new ones may pop up.  This is perfect.

When you have your financial freedom plan completed (for now) - give yourself a pat on the back!  A lot of soul searching has gone into it, but it'll be worth it when you start to see the results.  Make sure you keep it current though - as you achieve each goal replace it with another from your original list.

Write It Down...

Studies have proven that people who write their goals down have a much higher success rate in achieving them... so that's your next step.

But I suggest you go one step further...

I want you to write them down descriptively, including every detail you can think of. 

So, for example, if you want a new car, I want you to describe it in detail as far as you can, the make, model, year, colour of the paintwork, the interior, the engine size, how shiny it is, the extras included... everything you can think of.  Make it so real that if you saw 'your' car on the street you'd know immediately.

But there is also a caveat with this.  If you cannot decide on the car, if you have so many choices of dream car, that's also fine.  You don't have to force yourself into a specific choice.  Just do this instead. 

Write down the important features that it has.  Maybe it's the colour, engine size and the extras it has, or maybe that it's a convertible and it's a sporty 2 seater, or a 4-wheel drive with a double cab. Or it could even be something that drives smoothly and has lots of power, or that has enough room for all the family and your dog. 

Just get really clear on what would make you really happy right now.  It doesn't have to be perfect in the future because then you'll just choose again.  So only write down what it is you would love right now and be as clear as you can.

Use Your Imagination

Once you've completed this... just intuitively connect with it.

Don't feel that you have to repeatedly read through your goals or look at them as many people advocate.  This is a very personal choice.  If you feel you want to, then by all means do so - but don't let it become a chore - something that HAS to be done, because then you'll lose the power of it.

My feeling is, if you have really connected to what you want, you probably don't need to keep reminding yourself, you will naturally think about it as you go through your days.

You've set the intention by going through this exercise, now just get on with your life and wait for the next step to appear. 

It's fine if you find yourself daydreaming about your goals - or visualizing them, but only if it's happening naturally - don't put it on your 'to do' list as then you're starting to move into forcing and manipulating, which only dilutes your power.

You may even want to keep your financial freedom plan a secret - keep the power of your vision strong by not prematurely telling everyone about it.  But again - that is a personal decision.  The main thing is just to do what intuitively feels right to you.

Your Next Step...

Now you've got your financial freedom plan started, you will want to put it into action.  By this I mean being open to opportunities coming your way that will lead to achieving the goals you've set.  You can read more about that on the next page...

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